Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Coping with the Today's Snow Storm

Several board members have contributed advice and information on coping with the next wave of snow expected today and tomorrow.  First we have a message from Board President Sharlene Shugarman:

Dear Inverness Residents:

We’re expecting to receive another big punch from Mother Nature. For Potomac, this afternoon, we may get 1 inch more snow, tonight, up to 8 inches and by tomorrow night 12-16 inches. I have some thoughts I want to share.

First, where is Emerald going to put all the new snow? This situation is going to be the most challenging I have ever seen here. We may have more trees falling on our cars and homes, water/ice damages to roofs and homes, residents becoming more anxious, loosing some civility with their neighbors about where to put the new snow and how and where cars are parked.

For any damages to your homes, such as community trees falling onto your personal property, please contact your own insurance agent to process any claims. This is what our HOA insurance agent has advised.

When it comes to parking and snow removal we all need to be Patient, Compassionate and Considerate where ever we can, not only for Emerald to do their work, but for ourselves and neighbors. There may be major inconveniences for the next few days but we’ll get through it.

Thank you,
Sharlene Shugarman
IFA President

The board wanted me to tell everyone how to remain calm and keep a positive and helpful attitude during the upcoming storm and its aftermath.  Unfortunately, no one told me what to say.  Telling you to remain calm is unlikely to be of much value when you're frustrated and annoyed.  So, here are some ideas, off the top of my head, on keeping calm:

  1. Take a deep breath.  (I know that this sounds lame, but it really does help)
  2. Take advantage of the enforced time at home to do something different.  One suggestion I heard was to write a poem.  Perhaps you can start with a line from one of Shelley's poems,  "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"  There's no "if" about winter coming, but it might be calming to think about "can spring be far behind?"
  3. Don't do unpleasant chores that you've been putting off, such as cleaning out a closet or doing your taxes.  You'll only get more frustrated.  Of course, if you like doing your taxes, then jump right in.
  4. When you've done your own shoveling, help your neighbors, especially those who are older or not able to do much themselves.  Not only will you be doing a good deed, with a positive result for others and for you too, but you'll work off some frustration and it will be hard to be upset or angry when you're so very tired.  If you like this idea, I could use some help... (note that I crossed out that thought in case someone takes me seriously)
  5. Seriously, if there are other people (or pets) in your house, realize that they too are upset and frustrated.  Instead of snapping at them and giving vent to your own frustration, try to be extra nice and find something positive to do together.

Sabine Dohrn is the board member in charge of snow removal. Sabine has some practical advice for what to do and not do:

SNOW REFLECTIONS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

We would like to draw your attention to a situation that impacts all homeowners/residents in Inverness Village.

In two of our cul-de-sacs on the Inverness side several residents piled snow back on the roads after they had been plowed and cleared by Emerald.  While cleaning off their cars, they dumped the snow in the middle of the road probably expecting Emerald to come again to take care of it. 

Needless to say, this is very counterproductive and will drive the already very high cost of snow removal up even further.  Most residents did go the extra few steps to carry the snow out of the way.  We appeal to all residents to do the neighborly thing and do likewise; otherwise everybody has to pay for this extra service for a few. 
Thank you for your understanding.  We realize that it is a lot of hard work to shovel these amounts of snow and recommend to make use of the kids (and adults) who offer their services against modest fees.  You can also check out the website to find help with shoveling. Harvey kindly provided contact numbers for people who are willing to shovel.

Thank you for your cooperation
Stay dry and warm!
Sabine Dohrn, IFA Board, Snow Removal

Board Secretary Elliot Postow wanted me to remind everyone that the pickup of recycling has been cancelled for the entire week.  So if your bucket is outside, please bring it in before it is covered with an additional 10 - 20 inches of snow.  Emerald won't be able to shovel the sidewalks if there are recycling buckets in the way.

Please leave a comment below or send me an email if you have any additional suggestions.



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