Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mikado at Potomac Theatre Company

Long-term readers of Inverness Forest Today will remember that I am the photographer for two local community theater companies: The Potomac Theatre Company and the Victorian Lyric Opera Company. When one of these theater companies has a particularly good production, I write a blog post to let you know.

This time, both of these theater companies have combined forces to create a memorable production of Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Mikado".

The show opened last weekend and the audiences, judging by the applause, seemed very happy with the production.  The final performances will be this weekend at the Bullis School, about 8 minutes from Inverness Forest.

The Mikado is a story of two young lovers who triumph in the end after overcoming numerous obstacles and a case or two of mistaken identity.  Among the humorous plot twists in the case of the Ko Ko, the royal executioner, who tries to figure out how to chop off his own head.  The story is summarized in this Wikipedia article:

To request tickets and for the location and times of the show, see the flyer below.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Inverness Halloween Spookctacular

The Inverness Forest Halloween "Spookctacular" on the evening of Oct 31 was a big success!  More than 70 people attended by my wild guess and perhaps even more.

The event organizers, Jessica Bejarano, Cybel Wigle and Maria Angelica Antequera (and I'm sure several others who's names I don't have) did a fantastic job putting this together.  

If you've ever organized an event before, you're aware of the hundreds of little details that you have to take care of before an event can come off as flawlessly as this one. 

The kids costumes showed a lot of imagination and, as an added bonus, many of the adults came dress up in witty and clever costumes.

I submitted my pictures of our halloween event to the Potomac Almanac newspaper.  They published a large spread in the November 4 edition.  Our community is getting a lot of free publicity lately since this feature comes a month after an earlier story about the Inverness Forest Association's first annual picnic.

Here is a link to my online photo gallery:

I was not the only photographer present at the event.  Maria Angelica Antequera provided me the following link to her photos:
