Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dog Poop and Free-ranging Dogs

As you can see from by picture on the right (with my dog, Candide), I am fond of dogs. So is my fellow board member and dog owner, Nicole Fleisher. As a member of the Community Relations Committee, Nicole has received numerous complaints from Inverness Residents about irresponsible dog owners. Here are Nicole's comments:
Reminder to residents and four-legged friends

We are lucky to have many wonderful canine companions and their owners living in our community. As responsible, law-abiding dog owners, most of us know that it is illegal in Montgomery County to walk our dogs without a leash outside our property and that we are required by law to pick up after our dogs on common property. In every community; however, there are always a few individuals who choose to ignore or overlook these laws, and the IFA receives its fair share of complaints about off-leash dogs or people not cleaning up their dogs’ poop.

Over the next few weeks, the Montgomery County Animal Services Division will be patrolling our neighborhood to issue citations for these violations ($100 fine, increasing to $500 for subsequent violations). The Animal Services Division has also requested homeowners’ help: if you see the leash law or the pooper scooper law being broken, please call their non-emergency complaint line at (240) 773-5960 and provide as much information as possible (type of dog, owner’s address, where and when dogs are usually walked).

Dog owners, please help keep your dog safe by keeping him/her on a leash, and please help keep our neighborhood clean – there’s nothing that will ruin your day like stepping in a pile of poop!

All Inverness residents, please help by giving dog owners who are overlooking these laws a friendly reminder, or by calling the number above.

With everyone’s help, we can keep Inverness clean for everyone’s enjoyment!
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Harvey Levine said...

Anwar Khan has sent me the following comment on this article:--------------------

Hi Harvey,

On two occasions I have seen doggie "poop" bags lying in my courtyard.
The first was in my lawn which I disposed off. The second is in the
parking lot. Some of the contents have oozed their way out of the bag.
I am waiting for the owner of the bag to take the responsibility to
clean the mess up. Not only is this discourteous, but also a health
hazard. Please remind dog owners to be extra careful disposing the
bags so that wind or animals do not spread the contents.


Anwar Khan
8024 Inverness Ridge Rd

Lauren said...

Hello. I have also encountered this nasty incident several times. We worked very hard to make our lawns beautiful. It is such a shame for it to be ruined. Since this is such a serious matter and is considered as illegal, perhaps it would be good to send out a newsletter to all of our neighbors. It is extremely rude and disgusting. Thank you.
