Monday, April 28, 2008

Thanks for Signing Up!

Welcome to this edition of Inverness Forest Today. I want to thank everyone who has signed up to receive the board minutes (and other information) online. The savings in paper is not only good for the environment, but it will save the community printing costs and some wear-and-tear on the volunteers who deliver the paper copies.

We are just starting our effort to make better use of the internet to keep the Inverness Forest community informed. Using the internet will allow us to provide information (such as the minutes) to the community much more efficiently. Plus, you now have a way to provide your comments on what you read and to read the comments of others. Each posting on Inverness Forest Today has a "Comments" link that lets you respond to the post. I will read your comments and respond if I have something useful to say. More importantly, other residents will also see your comments on the post and may add their own thoughts. Please keep your comments confined to the topic addressed in the post.

If you would like to address issues not covered in Inverness Forest Today, the IFA website provides forums for just that purpose. Once you have a login, you can start a topic or add your comments to an existing topic. While you don't need a login to read the forums, why not create one so that you can join in the discussions.

Also on the IFA website you can read about who's on the board, the past board minutes, budget and finances, governing documents, architectural controls, and many other areas of interest. While Inverness Forest Today will give you information quickly (but briefly!) on what is going on in Inverness Forest, the IFA website is where you'll find in-depth information and where you should go to research questions. For example, to view our Governing Documents look on the IFA website at this location: Governing Docs

This is just the start of our online effort. Participate on the IFA website and here on Inverness Forest Today and your ideas will be heard by the IFA community.

If you know of other IFA residents who would like to receive the minutes online, view Inverness Forest Today, and make their views known on the IFA website, please ask them to send me an email at and I'll add them to the mailing list.

Harvey Levine
Treasurer, Inverness Forest Association

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Welcome to Inverness Forest Today

Welcome to Inverness Forest Today. This blog will update the Inverness Forest Community on what is going on in the community ("Which contractor is again digging up our front lawns?"). I will use this blog to bring you highlights of board meetings on the day after the meeting. Other board members can contribute to this blog so you have a broader view of what is important to all Inverness Forest residents.

Readers of Inverness Forest Today can post comments on any blog entry. Other IFA residents can read your comments and respond with comments of their own. By establishing a dialog between the board and the community, you will be able to bring important issues to the attention of the board.

I'll try to provide links to other websites that contain information of interest to the Inverness Forest community. In particular, I will link to interesting discussions on the IFA website that now lets community members start discussions on topics of interest to them. Feel free to leave comments on this post and any future posts. You may also send me email.

Harvey Levine, Treasurer of IFA